National Council for Special Education


The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) was set up to improve the delivery of education services to persons with special educational needs arising from disabilities, with particular emphasis on children. They provide support for children with Visual Impairments or who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing through the Visiting Teacher Service.

Their local service is delivered through their national network of Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) who interact with parents and schools and liaise with the HSE in providing resources to support children with special educational needs.

The NCSE deal with over 20,000 applications a year and deliver decisions to schools. In sanctioning resources for schools, they operate within the Department of Education and Skills policy parameters. However, in doing so the SENOs talk to schools, parents, HSE providers and other professionals before making decisions to try and ensure that the decision made is the best fit for the individual pupil. Resources allocated include Special School Class Teachers, Special Needs Assistants, school transport and assistive technology.

The NCSE also carry out research, provide policy advice, and information leaflets for parents, in addition to, providing Continuous Professional Development and Behavioural Support programmes.


Phone Number:

+353 (0)1 6033200